Cherron Riser


Cherron Riser is a romance and paranormal romance author. When not hard at work on her next novel, she can be found with a good read in hand or trying to convince her puppy that she is in fact a dog and not a person. She is a wife and mother to two girls. Her family is unabashedly geeky and enjoy sharing a good board game or role-playing game.

Cherron's published works include three short stories: "Escaping the Beast" appearing in the Winter Paradoor 2014 anthology, and "In the Heat of Escape" and "Engraved with Honeysuckle" in the Spring Paradoor 2014 anthology. Her first full-length novel, Defying Destiny, was released in March 2015. Cherron can be found on the web at and on Facebook at.

Where to find Cherron Riser online


Defying Destiny Trailer
The Trailer for Defying Destiny

Wisps of Beltane Trailer
The Trailer for Wisps of Beltane


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