Kym Hare

Smashwords book reviews by Kym Hare

  • Claimed on Aug. 02, 2011

    Claimed is a gorgeous short novella which I would have liked to have been a bit longer but at the same time was written and completed perfectly as it was. I can't believe how jealous I am of Jessica her life sounds just so perfect and I could easily see myself hanging out with her and the lokoti werewolf tribe. This was such a wonderful and at times quite funny story. Jessica has just had the week from hell on a terrible camping trip with her boyfried and his friends. All she wants is to get to her motel so she can get a plane home the next day. They end out stopping at a small town bar though and all that Jessica's boyfriend and his friends want to do is drink and drink. Jessica is diabetic though and her blood sugar level is quite low not that any of them seem to care. Luckily for Jessica the local perfect Mr tall, dark and handsome comes to her rescue by offering orange juice, a meal and a lift to her motel room. Jessica is hesitant but accepts and after this night her life will change forever.
  • Scent on Aug. 02, 2011

    I enjoyed this book and it was great to read another story from the Lokoti tribe. I felt the story was a little slow at times and I had a bit of trouble getting into the Circulator part of it but there was also a lot of action packed in there not to mention some nice steamy moments. When the action was happening it was extremely hard to put the book down and kept me mesmerised. I have a terrible Declan addiction and found that if there were 3, 5 pages in a row where his name wasn't mentioned I started having withdrawals. I can't wait to hear what will be happening in the Lokoti tribe next. Bianca lives with the Lokoti tribe, her mother is a circulator and her father is a Lokoti werewolf. Bianca is the last circulator in the world but that's not all that Bianca is. Without giving away too much of the storyline Bianca discovers one night that she is so much more than just a circulator. Bianca's life is turned upside down and inside out by the discovery and she is put in the position where she has to choose between what she wants and what the Lokoti werewolves want. It is a story that will make you laugh and make you cry.
  • Spirit Storm (Spirit Guide, #2) on Aug. 02, 2011

    Alrighty after spending a few days in bed sick and not been well enough to read or do anything I finally got to finish Spirit Storm. I am loving this series and Spirit Storm picks up perfectly where She Smells The Dead finished. I realised one of the reasons I am loving this series so much is because so far there are no messy love triangles, no I love you but can't be with you because I am too dangerous talk. Yuki and Cal are simply in love and nothing else matters, plus they have two awesome sidekicks in Emma and Simon. Yuki is preparing herself for Samhain, a night where all the spirits are going to be coming to town and looking for her. Yuki is not ready for this and needs to find a way to survive. This is a task in itself but when one werewolf turns up dead and another goes missing the gang need to find out who is targeting the werewolves and put a stop to it. Danger and trouble is around every corner in this story and keeps you wanting more and more. The ending was gorgeous and now I just have to begin my not so patient wait until October.