James Forester


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Smashwords book reviews by James Forester

  • On The Plains of Deception on March 11, 2013

    The Plains of Deception. It's a romantic story and haunting and simple and beautifully lonely, like sailing on the lake, just as the sun is setting. ***** James Forester
  • Beyond Plutocracy - True Democracy for America on Jan. 05, 2015

    Roger Rothenberger has written a book that all Americans should be required to read! He has brought to light a subject (the inequitable, unjust, and unconstitutional governing of our nation by the Wealthy Few, both individuals and corporations) that is of central importance to our country. The massive inequity in the possession and control of wealth in America is destine to become the single most important issue of the early 21st century. The cold war is over and un-tempered Capitalism has won. But, the war that is developing between the Wealthy Few and the un-wealthy is just now beginning to take shape. It is a conflict that will ignite our nation in a way that has not been seen since the Civil War and still, most Americans are totally unaware of what is happening right before their eyes! The un-wealthy, who are the vast majority in our country, are about to wake up to the truth, that their future is circumscribe by a complete lack of opportunities in gainful, meaningful employment, completely denying them the ability to help themselves reach any type of economic security. It is creating an economic and social situation that is frustrating and infuriating tens of millions of people. And when they awake, and the re-balancing of our country begins, nothing about the United States of America will ever be the same, again. Review by James Forester