Francy Pillo-Blocka


I’m a non-finger wagging, relatable dietitian, funny, femme, foodie, aficionado, successful weight loser and nutrition communicator who tells it like it is. I balance work, spouse, family, house, travel, budgets, home, food and the works just like you do!

I’m a registered dietitian (RD) by trade with 30 years of experience in counseling, corporate, food and nutrition policy, communications and project manager. I am a past member and co-chair of Health Canada’s Food Expert Advisory Committee and past President and CEO of the Canadian Council of Food and Nutrition, Francy Pillo-Blocka RD FDC by name. I have an opinion on most things “food”. And oh, I’m a blogger by night at "Through Thick and Thin".

Check out Health & Lifestyle Magazine's review of my book:


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