JL Morse


Hi, I'm JL Morse, Indie author of the family fiction “The World of Wickham Mossrite” published by One Tree Family in June 2014.

Here's OTF's blurb on me:
"JL Morse is a full-time mother to two grubby urchins, and part-time story teller. She has a passion for natural health, natural parenting and a life in nature. Her tales are not however the story of her family. Well, not really. She currently lives on the South Coast of England, but has dreams of Papa’s Great Escape."

Anything else you need to know, pop on over and ask! ;-)

You can find out more at www.jlmorse.com

Or Facebook JL Morse

Or Twitter @JLMorse99

Or About Me: JL Morse

Smashwords Interview

What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
Being a mother, its seeing characters come to life that I've giving birth to. To come to understand them and to watch them grow, just like the real live grubby little children that are running around my feet right now. To capture a little of their memories, and for the Mossrites to make new ones all of their own.

My greatest hope is that my stories resonate with people, that they recognise themselves or someone they love. That a smile passes their lips and they want to keep reading. And if just one person reads something I've written and it gives them to make the confidence to make a positive change in their life, well... magic.
What is your e-reading device of choice?
I'm a Kindle Touch girl I have to say, although I also use the desktop version. When you're a mother of two (and a big fan of the garden) you need something portable and my thirtieth birthday present has been a godsend.
Read more of this interview.


The World of Wickham Mossrite - JL Morse _ Book Trailer
Here is a short trailer for my novel, The World of Wickham Mossrite - The story of a nature loving, homeschooling, compassionate family. Explore his world, and let's make friends...


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