James Freeland


My name is James Freeland. I obtained my B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Oregon State University. I am a heavy reader of science fiction novels and love a good story be it in book form, movie, or video game. Because of this I decided to try my hand at writing as a hobby. I started writing in high school and have continued since. I am a participant in NaNoWriMo and am still a beginning writer, but I aspire to improve and create a universe of my own in the process.

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Smashwords book reviews by James Freeland

  • The Zochtil on Feb. 15, 2012

    As a big fan of science fiction I found The Zochtil to be a great story and an enjoyable read. The depth of the characters and the pace of the story keeps the reader engrossed and wanting to know what happens next. Packed with action and plenty of sci-fi elements, J.A. Dalley creates a universe that draws you in and makes you feel as if you are right there with the characters. The Zochtil is the first book in the series and I for one can’t wait to read the next books to come.