
Smashwords book reviews by Jeove

  • Walking the Talk: Engaging the Public to Build a Sustainable World on Oct. 08, 2014

    This book provides a great insight into the challenges faced by a life-long activist. It is a journeyman work that is a bit short on polish, but has many good bits that resonate with me. I could liken it to a lobster dinner in that, although it can take some work to get at all the meat, you end up with a satisfying meal at the end. The author discusses sources of reluctance and resistance and plausible ways forward to engage people on climate change. For those of us who might otherwise succumb to despair regarding the destruction of the environment and the lack of outrage from people, it is a interesting reference work and a good tool for the activist' toolbox. It took me some effort to read through the first time, in part because of my unfamiliarity with the content, but I intend to read through it again and likely again.