Genieva Barfield

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Smashwords book reviews by Genieva Barfield

  • The Atomic Circus on Jan. 31, 2014

    The Atomic Circus By: K. C. Finn Caecilius Rex & Kendra Nai are the main characters in this novella. Caecilluis Rex is a detective and Kendra Nai is his good friend and Neighbor, she is also ex-military. Cae is a bit of an odd ball that is always wearing black gloves as well as a turtleneck you find out why during the story. The story brought me in and I fell in love with the characters, the good and the bad. The story starts with a murder, and of course you have Cae in the thick of things. This story is very good and I will not say too much as I don’t want to give anything away. Anyone who wants to read a good story will enjoy this story!!!