Nadirah Angail


Penning realities: That's what this Kansas City, Mo writer does. "Of all the good floating around out there, I capture some of it on paper, make it concrete, so there's no denying it." Most often, Angail gives written voice to women's issues, including relationships, self esteem, body image, health, mothering and a whole host of others. Currently, she is the author of two books, ON ALL THE THINGS THAT MAKE ME BEAUTIFUL: SHORT INSPIRATIONAL ESSAYS ON LIFE, LOVE & SELF and the novel WHAT WE LEARNED ALONG THE WAY.

She is inextricably connected to the feminine experience and feels obligated to focus energy there. Too often, women and girls don't receive the care and credit we deserve. They get judged, belittled, underestimated and neglected by a society that doesn't always see their value. In the end, a lot of them get lost, separated from their beauty, their inner light. Hopefully, Angail's words can be a tether, guiding them back to balance.

Aside from writing, Angail does therapy with families and couples. She has a Master’s degree from Drexel in Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT). She has worked with a wide variety of clients on issues ranging from depression, drug abuse, sexual abuse, marital discord, family reunification and more.

She currently lives in her hometown of Kansas City with her husband and daughter.

Where to find Nadirah Angail online


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Smashwords book reviews by Nadirah Angail

  • The Size of a Mustard Seed on Jan. 03, 2011

    From one Muslim writer to the next, I appreciate this book. I love the atmosphere described in the Covered Pearls salon. I'd love to spend time in a place like that!