S.A. Larsen


S.A. Larsen is an award-winning author, childhood apraxia of speech advocate, and Maine-iac ice hockey fan, who has watched more hockey games than she could ever count. She also has a soft spot for the strange and misunderstood, which might explain her love for dipping plain chips in ketchup. Her favorite stories push the boundaries of our world and open harbored emotions to inspire and challenge the heart. She's the author of Motley Education: The URD Saga Book I (Ellysian Press, 2019; second edition), a fantasy-adventure for middle grade readers and Marked Beauty-her debut young adult fantasy-romance (Ellysian Press, 2017). When she's not chasing her characters around a cemetery or antagonizing them with the wonders of young love, she lives in the land of lobsters and snowy winters with her husband and four children. Visit her cyber home at salarsenbooks.com, find her on Twitter @SA_Larsen and Instagram sa.larsen, or on spookymiddlegrade.com, where she does most of her spookiness brewing up all sorts of creepy ideas with a group of #SpookyMG authors. Stop by for a visit . . . if you dare.

Where to find S.A. Larsen online

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Motley Education
“A class assignment sends a misfit medium on a ghostly journey to find a relic vital to saving the Underworld only to discover the true meaning of her quest has been inside her all along.”

I chat about Motley Education!
Author S.A. Larsen answers questions about her book MOTLEY EDUCATION. ****FIRST PLACE WINNER, CHILDREN'S CATEGORY, 2016 NEW ENGLAND BOOK FESTIVAL!**** With a missing relic, skull-fuls of humor, and a legless lizard that does more than just turn blue … middle graders will be chomping at their Yggdrasil bits to finish this story!