
Smashwords book reviews by SamBear

  • Presidents' Body Counts: The Twelve Worst and Four Best American Presidents Based on How Many Lived or Died Because of Their Actions on April 23, 2014

    Dr. Carroll is well known in Indian Country. He has fought for many years to protect our sacred ways from the wasichu colonial spiritual invaders at his site He also has a very good book on our Native vets. I have read this also and his words honoring our warriors are good. I am glad he represents an Indian point of view on American presidents. Yes he is a strong Catholic also, but I have known both good and bad Christians. He is a Christian offering a helping hand, not a closed fist or closed mind. Obviously I'm going to say most about what he writes about how presidents have treated Indians. Jackson is the third worst president because of the Trail of Tears. Most of the Five Tribes say he was the worst. But I understand why Carroll lists Reagan as even worse. Reagan killed so many more of our Indians cousins, Mayans of Guatemala. Nixon is the worst president he says, and most Vietnam vets will tell you the same. Both Nixon and Reagan should not be honored by anyone. They should have faced a firing squad like Eichmann. A lot of my Dakota relatives will disagree about Carroll saying Lincoln was our greatest president. We remember the Dakota 38, the worst mass hanging in America's history. But I never knew that Lincoln saved 270 of my relations from being hung. I also never knew Lincoln saved so many Indians in California. The words you have written are very good Dr. Carroll. I hope many heed them.