D ODell

Smashwords book reviews by D ODell

  • The Blood Moon of Winter - 2nd Edition on Jan. 26, 2011

    The Blood Moon of Winter is an engaging story of a seemingly normal woman who wants nothing more in life than some quiet and a good book. Lilyana Makay soon discovers that she is destined for so much more and has little to no control over changes in her life that are coming, indefinitely. Simply put… a great story set in two different worlds, about a woman whose life is turned upside down and learns to deal with the changes that are thrust upon her. On a much deeper side, being set in your ways, stagnant with your life is not always a great thing. Sometimes you need to embrace the changes in life that come your way and see the good in the changes. That's kind of what I feel with this story. It’s a scary thing to have your life turned upside down and have zero control in it, but sometimes it's a good thing. It makes you feel alive! I’ve read books before that made me feel like I’ve read the same story over and over…only the names were changed. The Blood Moon of Winter is exceptional in that I once I was finished reading it I didn’t feel like I had read this story before. I truly enjoyed reading this beautiful story and can’t wait to see what adventures are coming to Lilyana Makay, Goddess of Makayra! My suggestion: get this book, grab a glass of wine, kick back and enjoy the ride!