Tina Lindegaard


A heartbeat, a breath, fingers tapping away on the keyboard, words finding their place in a sequence creating a bobble of reality.

About the Author
Tina Lindegaard was born in 1963 when the world lost its innocence with the murder of John F. Kennedy, and when a song became the symbol of one man’s dream that became the dream of thousands.

Tina Lindegaard was born in a provincial town in Denmark and spent her first 20 years in a small town where nature was never far away. She moved to Copenhagen which is still her home. Her character is formed by the natural surroundings of her childhood, and a busy career that has not always been in tune with her upbringing. These contrasts have created a field of tension with lots of room for creativity, and formed a multi-faceted view of human nature.

Smashwords Interview

Do you remember the first story you wrote?
Yes, very much so. It was about a young girl discovering secrets that took her to Gabon in Africa. I still remember one scene; it was in an old style English library with Chesterfield furniture and with books from floor to ceiling, it was night and thunderstorm filled the huge windows covering an entire wall from floor to ceiling. Now I get to think about it, not the same room but with many similarities appears in my novel Devil's Touch some 30 years later. Some inner images are just hard to let go of.
Did you write other novels at that time?
Yes, I did. In all I wrote 5 novels from I was 16 to I was 20, including a fantasy novel inspired by J. R. R. Tolkin and the film Ladyhawke with Michelle Pfeiffer. But times were different back then and I had less patience. The publisher want me to edit the novel, I took it as a rejection. Thinking back maybe it was and maybe it wasn’t. Well, I will never know.
Read more of this interview.

Where to find Tina Lindegaard online


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