Traci Bonney


A former newspaper reporter and nomad, Traci L. Bonney is a Mississippi girl who has survived hurricanes, cancer, and ongoing singlehood. Always looking for ways to be creative, she lets her imagination loose on her laptop keyboard, jewelry supplies and homemade hula hoops as often as possible, when she isn't taking pictures or helping friends with website updates and editing projects.

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Smashwords book reviews by Traci Bonney

  • The Art of My Life on Oct. 12, 2012

    As with Kicking Eternity, Ann has crafted a compelling novel with complex characters who deal with difficult issues concerning trust, faith, abandonment, rejection and a number of other traumas from their pasts. Ann’s author tagline is “Flawed People. Flawless God.” This book is full of very flawed people searching for answers to life’s struggles. I can’t tell you how many times I wanted to grab Cal by the ear, drag him over to a chair and give him what-for about his bad choices and stupid decisions. That’s how real these people will become to you. And as in real life, the language some of the characters use is less than pure. If you don’t want to read cuss words, be forewarned. But if you can get past the language, you’ll see the pain behind the words. You may even recognize it from your own life or that of someone you know and love. Ultimately, The Art of My Life reminds the reader that no matter how low a person sinks, they’re not out of reach of a loving God, if they’ll just take the nail-scarred Hand extended their way.