Adam Kneissler


I was raised in a small New England town and went to private school starting in 6th grade. Thank you Dad. While bored academically (except English), socially and athletically I thrived. Unfortunately, trouble found me frequently.
I was banished (read kicked out) from one high school, asked not to return is the way it was put to me. Sorry Dad.
Then I was officially “kicked out” of another high school just two weeks shy of graduation. My friend, Moose, a keg, and a tractor were involved. Thankfully, I received my diploma after completing all five final exams on a sweltering June day, long after school had ended and tassels flipped to the left, or is it to the right?
Somehow I managed to marry and have three children. They are everything to me. My girls, Lucy and Casey, and my son, Reece, I love you bigger than the sky.
I currently live in Western Maine (Fryeburg to be exact) and write during night’s “skinny hours.”

Where to find Adam Kneissler online


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