Shane Simpson


Shane Simpson is an American author from the southwestern United States. He has held operational and international sourcing roles within several manufacturing industries.

Shane has published three full-length novels in the Albert Pabek Thriller series, including The Owner (Book 1), The Obsessor (Book 2), and The Offender (Book 3).

Shane is now working on Book 4 in the series. The yet-to-be-titled installment has Albert and Teleport in a panicked run for warmer waters. The playbook is gone and Albert's struggles are getting more challenging by the hour.

An avid windsurfer, Shane's writing slows down on windy days. He relishes the thrill of high speed sailboarding. When not writing or windsurfing, he enjoys his family, sailing, snow skiing, scuba diving, and reading.

Smashwords Interview

What is your e-reading device of choice?
I started with one of the original Kindles back in 2010 and still enjoy it today for the closest to a book feeling. However, most of my reading these days is on iPad Mini using the Kindle app.
When you're not writing, how do you spend your time?
Other than working, I really enjoy windsurfing. It's a big thrill to be strapped to a sail, rocketing across the water at twenty or thirty miles per hour. I also enjoy traditional sailing, but prefer the faster boats like Hobies and Lasers. Snow skiing and scuba diving are occasional pursuits I try to squeeze in.
Read more of this interview.

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