Amber Kay


This girl watches too many thrillers and eats too much junk food. She is a Tennessee native with a love for BBQ, Mountain Dew and chocolate. She's been writing since she was nine years old and sometimes she talks too much. Her family would say that she's the runt of the litter--an oddball who loves independent music and old sitcom reruns (I Love Lucy, The Golden Girls and I Dream of Jeannie are her absolute favorites!)

She writes psychological thrillers and (hopefully) suspenseful murder mysteries with elements of humor and horror. She loves Agatha Christie, Alfred Hitchcock (she knows he's not technically a novelist, but she still loves his work), Gillian Flynn and Laurie Halse Anderson.

Smashwords Interview

What's the story behind your latest book?
Secret Somethings, started out as a serious romance. I watched too many chick flicks, read too many Nicholas Sparks novels and decided I wanted to write a love story of my own.Then I realized how dark the story became. I noticed that it was slowly evolving into something too toxic to be considered romantic. I'm not a fan of glamorizing or romanticizing unhealthy relationships so I knew that I no longer had the right to call any of this romance. Instead of tailoring the story to be like some typical girl-meets-boy lighthearted romance, I decided to go with it. I allowed it to get dark and a little uncomfortable. Eventually, it turned into a satirical and offbeat "love" story that ultimately surprised me. I'm pleased with the results, but I do admit that it's not for everyone. Some people might feel alienated by the story. Others might feel differently. I just wanted to get the story out of me and down on paper. I played everything else by ear. Hopefully someone enjoys it!
What motivated you to become an indie author?
The freedom of it all is what attracted me most. I liked the idea of being in control of my own career. I'm a writer who tends to write from the darkest places of my mind. I've been known to get a little twisted with my stories and I honestly didn't feel that traditional publishing would accept my morbid brand of humor. I like writing about unlikable characters. I like writing about villains and anti-heroes. I like exploring human nature at it's worst and I find that my stories don't fit the formula needed to attain traditional publishing.
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