Matthew Miller


Matthew Miller is the president and founder of

AuthorsDen is one of the largest author and reader online communities. Each month over a million readers from around the world visit to discover and learn about authors
who have made AuthorsDen their online home.

AuthorsDen empowers authors and readers
to instantly connect in a virtual community
to discover, share and communicate
in a personal, enjoyable way.

Miller's vision is to establish new ways for authors and readers to interact, while delivering high-quality author marketing services.

Miller serves as the primary strategist and visionary, developing and building
the business model using his keen sense of customer relations and experience.

Where to find Matthew Miller online


This member has not published any books.

Matthew Miller's favorite authors on Smashwords

Tom Lichtenberg
Latest book: The White-Hole Situation.
Published May 24, 2018. (4.00 from 1 review)