
Smashwords book reviews by ciska

  • Murder in the Philosophy Department on Sep. 08, 2011

    I got this book trough Librarything a while ago and had to put it away due to problems with my e-reader. The story was so catchy though I tried several times to read it on a computer, but there is nothing relaxing in reading a book on a computer. When I finally got a new e-reader this was the first book I stuffed on it and read. The book reads like Cluedo. As soon as Liza starts her own investigation you try to fill in the blanks too. There are a lot of possible suspects and in the end it is still a big surprise who killed Niles Norman. The only 'but' I had with this book that for a non native speaker of the English language there are a lot of 'difficult' words. Therefore the English version will not be accessible for everybody who reads English books every now and than. If you like a good game of Cluedo and your English is better than the average YA level, you should give this book a try.