C.W. Steinle


C.W. Steinle began his professional career as a CPA because of his knack for organizing information. Many Christian theologians and prophecy scholars have backgrounds in law, accounting, and business. For Christians who believe that the Bible is God-breathed, the ability to gather information and draw correlations is crucial for rightly dividing the Word of God. C.W. and his wife Gwen enjoy studying biblical archaeology, and have visited sites in eight different countries. Steinle has held Bible studies on location in Israel, Philippi, Thessaloniki, Corinth, Athens, and Egypt, traveling the route of the Exodus across the Red Sea through Sinai and up to Mt. Nebo in Jordan.

Smashwords Interview

What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
People get tremendous satisfaction through conversation. All it takes sometimes to release a person from their melancholy is to share a few thoughts with another person. As a writer, I experience this same type of joy when I know that I have painted such a vivid image in the mind of the reader that they see what I'm seeing; they understand what I'm thinking. Knowing that my words are communicating with others gives me a satisfying sense of community. But my greatest joy comes when I have walked the reader into the realm of deep insight and they they haven't gotten lost along the way.
What do your fans mean to you?
My readers are my friends. My words and writing style illustrates who I am, and the way that I think. So when readers follow me online or pick up my latest title it means that they 'like' me and my product. This makes me feel accepted and appreciated, and it encourages me to keep writing - to keep putting that next discovery into words.
Read more of this interview.

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