david moran

Smashwords book reviews by david moran

  • House Numbers - Their Hidden Meaning on Dec. 15, 2013

    Wow what an amazing book! Being someone who has moved about a lot I was keen to trace back some of the numbers I have lived at and see if there was any connection with what the author was saying tends to occur at certain addresses. What I found was uncanny. I am currently living with parents and happen to be a cancerian and my house number happens to be two. No big deal because I have lived at other numbers but my parents have been engaged in welfare projects and social concerns since living here. Having put a huge grin on my face I couldn't wait to check other addresses we lived at. Sure enough previous numbers 26, 28, 33, and 39 all described specific events that took place at those addresses. I would love to hear from other readers to see if they too can trace undeniable events mentioned in this book that are said to spring from living at certain addresses. When I come to move I will be very particular what numbers I live at!!! I found this book exciting and cant wait to try it out on family and friends. highly recommend this, its certiainly something you will have fun with and could actually make a huge difference to your life if you use it wisely.