Sue Donnelly


Sue Donnelly is an Image Coach who epitomises the new breed of 50 year old. She loves her work, her life and her body but understands that reaching ‘middle age’ can be very scary for a lot of women. Sue’s passion and friendly nature enables her to assist her clients to find their own uniqueness and a style of dress that reflects their inner values and personality. Not only does this elevate self-esteem and confidence but helps them to get what they want out of life, whether that’s a new man, a change of career or a rejuvenated thirst for living. She has been featured in numerous national magazines and newspapers and has been invited to appear on prime time television. She is President of The Federation of Image Consultants, an Image Consultant trainer for Aston+Hayes and the only certified Fashion Feng Shui® practitioner in the UK. She is also one of a handful of people qualified in image on both sides of the Atlantic. Giving to the community is important and Sue works as a volunteer for the breast cancer charity, Look Good Feel Better. As a qualified life coach, trainer and workshop facilitator, Sue has the skills and the rapport to help women look and feel good about themselves in an authentic way. Her other books, ‘The 80/20 Makeover’, ‘Does My Belly Look Big In This?’ and ‘Heading South?’ are available from
For more information on her workshops or to book a private session, please contact Sue by:

Where to find Sue Donnelly online

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