Pavan Kaur


Hello, my name is Pavan Kaur. I am married with two amazing boys.
I have loved reading from a very young age, after reading so many books, my mind started to wonder off into its own world.
I finally put that world onto paper and then I fell in love with writing, and have loved it ever since.

Smashwords Interview

What motivated you to become an indie author?
Reading books motivated me a lot, after reading for so long my mind was getting lost in it's own world and when I finally put that world onto paper, I loved writing.
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
I love writing, I feel a peace when I do write. Yes I do have them days where I want to throw my laptop across the room, but I think everyone does.
Writing for me to a way to writing about falling in love, feeling happy and helping someone with my story.
Read more of this interview.

Where to find Pavan Kaur online

Twitter: @dreaming083
Facebook: Facebook profile


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