Fiona McGavin


Fiona McGavin was born in 1971 in the Scottish Highlands and grew up in Fort William on the west coast. She has a degree in modern history from Stirling University but now lives in small town Buckinghamshire.

Her previous jobs include working as a library assistant, visitor centre attendant and copy writer, but she now works at the head office of a large bank.

Although she grew up in a house where almost every available space was taken up by books, she decided to write her own when she couldn't find anything decent to read and has been writing ever since. Her short stories have previously appeared in Visionary Tongue and she also has a couple of half written novels hidden away in the attic.

When not writing she enjoys taking long walks (preferably in the direction of the pub), reading about anything spooky or weird, attempting amateur herbalism, sitting around drinking wine and generally lamenting her lack of interesting hobbies.

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