Francine L. Trevens


A published writer for over 60 years, became a publisher 17 years ago and a self publisher only 7 years ago. Have 8 volumes of mine in print, and wrote the dinner theater segment of Otis Guernsey Best Plays and the music comedy segment of the McGraw Hill Encyclopedia of World Drama. Co-founder of Greater New York Independent Publishers Association and now its chairman emeritus. Also a member of Dramatists Guild, Independent Book Publishers Association and theater's ATPAM.

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Smashwords book reviews by Francine L. Trevens

  • Doctor Margaret's Sea Chest on March 08, 2012

    This book fascinated from the first page. It recreated famous historical moments from a very personal perspective with warmth and excitement. You become part of the underground railroad from the U.S. to Canada. You cheer when Dr Margaret gets into a new medical school started for women. You float from the present to the past, from the Soviet Union to India on cloud 9. The charge of the ligh brigade becomes a realty instead of just a great poem. Waheed Rabbani has created worlds within worlds and you are delighted to be in them all. Can't wait for the sequal! Best of all, the book is written from the point of view of a male doctor who gets the mission to return an antique sea chest to the family of a woman doctor - and finds strands connecting him to her in many diretions, almost like a spider's web, and the novelist has woven tht web to keep the story with you many years after you finish this first book of the set. Terrific read for menor women.