Katelyn Torrey


My name is Katelyn. I am a U.S. based book blogger who loves to spread the word about the known and the not-so-known Young Adult books out there!

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Smashwords book reviews by Katelyn Torrey

  • Between on June 24, 2011

    When I first started this book, I found myself enjoying it. That is what a book is meant for right? It was good, the characters were interesting but I wasn’t feeling that special spark. It moved at a rather quick speed at first and I found myself flipping pages trying to see what exactly I missed. However, a HUGE (and I mean HUGE, people!) twist right in the middle of the story, had me falling head over heels in love! It starts off with the main character, Lindsey, dying in a car crash (see what I mean starting off fast? It got straight to the point!). Instead of being whisked off to heaven, Lindsey finds herself in a between world. It is there that she meets Aiden, the man in charge of getting her to heaven, leading her towards the light. However, things go astray when these two start having feelings for each other; real, falling for each other hard core feelings! Usually I am quite irritated with the insta-love connections that a lot of paranormal books have. A love that can be found with just a simple glance from across the room has been so over-done. Between did have that insta-love thing going on but I found myself looking at it from a new perspective. Me being a person who has never experienced the L-word before wouldn’t know what it is like. Maybe some people really are destined for each other. When you see someone that you were meant to be with, maybe you just know, you get a special feeling telling you to hold on, this person could be important. It is these thoughts that popped into my brain while reading Between. Any book that can make you do that, change your thoughts on something completely, is pretty spectacular! This is the first book that I have ever read that has dealt with primarily romance (there was paranormal-ness too and I will talk about that next) and let me tell you people, I am hooked! The romance between Aiden and Lindsey was marvelous. Aiden, a totally fabulous looking Scottish boy-by the way, I could hear his voice in my head with that accent. What girl doesn’t want a guy with a cute accent?- with a tender, kind heart falling for Lindsey, a kind, snarky, fun-spirited girl who had her whole life taken from her in the blink of an eye. The chemistry that Cyndi created between these two just flew off the pages. They really complimented each other on so many levels. Obviously with there being a “between” world between Earth and heaven, you can tell that there are paranormal tid-bits in the story. I love the journey that I was taken on by the paranormal factors in Between. While in this between place, waiting for the special light to come, Lindsey and Aiden can spend their days at specific places and during specific memories. It is there you learn of the tragedy that strikes Aiden and his family. Or you can witness a past event that brought up memories, good and bad, for Lindsey. I love the great amount of detail and the over-all originality of this particular trait of the story. All the places that Aiden and Lindsey “visited” were so vivid. I could practically see and feel whatever they were seeing and feeling! For fear of letting out tiny secrets that will hint to you the big twist in the middle of the story, I am going to stop this review a little short. All you need to know is that the romance in this story is beautiful! Vivid, original, and marvelous details will keep you entranced while reading Between!