Lee Tidball


Lee Tidball retired from a career as a 6th grade teacher to become a full-time novelist and screenwriter. He's written nearly a dozen screenplays that he and his manager market in Hollywood. Besides publishing Malled with Short On Time Books of Florence, Arizona, Lee has also published the Princess Reborn series of graphic novels (both based on his screenplays) and the stand-alone middle-grade/YA historical fantasy Windfork Secrets with Zetabella Publishing of Toronto, Canada. Most recently, he has begun writing a prequel series of novels to Princess Reborn based on his award-winning TV pilot script Midnight Princess. He currently lives in northern California with the two loves of his life, his partner, Cyndie, and his Giant OCR1 road bike. He enjoys movies, theater, history, staying in shape, and traveling to scenic and/or historical destinations around the world.

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