Michael Byars Lewis


Michael Byars Lewis, author of the multi-award-winning thrillers, SURLY BONDS and VEIL OF DECEPTION, is a former AC-130U Spooky Gunship Evaluator Pilot with 18 years in Air Force Special Operations Command. A 25-year Air Force pilot, he has flown special operations combat missions in Bosnia, Iraq, and Afghanistan. He served as an Expeditionary Squadron Commander for AC-130U combat operations in Iraq and spent his final assignment on active duty instructing and mentoring the next generation of gunship pilots at the Air Force Special Operations Air Warfare Center’s schoolhouse for flight instruction, the 19th Special Operations Squadron. Michael is currently a pilot for a major U.S. airline.

SURLY BONDS, Michael’s debut novel, reeled in three awards. His follow-up, VEIL OF DECEPTION, has garnered twelve awards. Michael has been on numerous author panels at writer’s conferences such as Thrillerfest, Killer Nashville, and the Louisiana Book Festival. Both books have hit #1 on Amazon.com and been bestsellers on Barnes and Noble Nook and Kobo platforms.

Active in his community, Michael has mentored college students on leadership development and team-building and is a facilitator for an international leadership training program. He has teamed with the Air Commando Foundation, which supports Air Commando’s and their families’ unmet needs during critical times.

While his adventures have led to travels all around the world, Michael lives in Florida with his wife Kim.

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Smashwords Interview

What inspires you to get out of bed each day?
Discipline; years of military training. And life. No really, I love life. I look forward to every day. When I was younger, I never wanted to get old. Now, I look forward to getting older. Each year, I want to get older and older! I also look forward to writing and getting my books prepared for publishing.
Who are your favorite authors?
There are so many...I cut my teeth on John Grisham, Robert Ludlum, Clive Cussler, Tom Clancy, Vince Flynn, and Bob Meyer. Lately, I've really been enjoying John Gilstrap, Gayle Lynds, Greg Iles, and Brad Thor. Of course, I really enjoy the books of my fellow military authors Joseph Badal, James R. Hannibal, and Tom Young.
Read more of this interview.

Where to find Michael Byars Lewis online


Veil of Deception Book Trailer
What if the company building America’s most expensive weapons system was secretly owned by one of our enemies? Veil of Deception is the second book in the Jason Conrad USAF Thriller series! Fans of Dale Brown and Brad Taylor will love the second installment of Michael Byars Lewis’ page turning series!


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