Michael Taggart


You can only view so many wonderful, amazing pictures before you start becoming inspired to make your own. It's exciting, nerve wracking, frustrating and wonderful to run your own shoot!

I wanted to make something different than a model in a standard setting. This led to composites where I'm cutting out the models and putting them into different scenes. It gives the picture a story, texture and history that make it much more fun to look at. The process takes a lot more time, but in the end the picture becomes art.

After my 7th model my Mom decided I needed to start doing artwork she could hang on her walls. She told me to forget the models and start shooting some flowers for her! Of course it's always a good idea to do what your Mom tells you. : )

I didn't want to take traditional flowers pictures either - so I started developing my own vivid style with nature. I've come to love my flower and cloud pictures as much as my model pictures. : )

Thanks for stopping by!

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