Michelle Vernal


Hello, my name is Michelle Vernal, and by way of introduction, I am Mum to Josh and Daniel and I am married to the super supportive Paul. We live in the garden city of Christchurch, New Zealand along with our three legged cat, Blue. BC (before children) we lived and worked in Ireland, the experiences we had there have flavoured my books although the novel I have just finished working on is set on The Isle of Wight.
I’ve always written, but it was only after my first son was born that I decided to attend a creative writing course at Canterbury University. Oh the guilt dropping him at pre-school so I could learn the basics of story writing, but oh the joy of having conversation to contribute other than the price of nappies that week! The first piece I ever penned post course was published by a New Zealand parenting magazine. I went on to write humorous; opinion styled pieces of my take on parenting, but when the necessity for being politically correct got too much, I set myself the challenge of writing a novel. Six books later here I am. These days I write for a lifestyle magazine and my latest book Sweet Home Summer has just been released. PS You may not know this, but Annie and Carl from Sweet Home Summer first appeared in Being Shirley. If you enjoyed my books then taking the time to leave a review would be so very much appreciated. x

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