Marisa Moore

Smashwords book reviews by Marisa Moore

  • The Unfinished Song: Sacrifice (Book 3) on April 22, 2014

    I haven't written a review for Tara Maya's books until now, and I'm kind of glad I did. Two of my critiques in the earlier books were 1) what do all these terms MEAN?! I need a glossary! and 2) Who's related to who, which clan belongs to which group?! But now, having read the third, I realize that Tara Maya is intentionally weaving in (see what I did there, fans?) the intricacies of the above questions, filling in more and more pieces to the puzzle. So I wouldn't change a thing, aside from an occasional spelling error. I have been hooked since the first book. You know you've come across a great series and author when you feel passionately for each of the characters - you root for your heroes, cheer for their successes, feel sad for their losses, and most importantly, get frustrated with their personalities, which is realistically written. While it's a "fairy tale," the realness of humanity (flaws and all) shine through. As for Sacrifice, I felt alot of movement and clarity take place. Like the other books, I read it in two days I could not put it down. As previous reviewers have said, Tara Maya leaves you wanting MORE!!! Can't wait to read the next one! ***This review will also be put on Amazon***