Pat Adams-Wright


Patricia Adams-Wright was born in Halifax, a town of West Yorkshire, in the north of England. After qualifying as a Home Economics teacher in Liverpool, she moved back to her home town where after a variety of teaching jobs and a bad accident which claimed most of her mobility, she finally began working for Her Majesty’s Inland Revenue.
Patricia has held a disabled status for many years, but running her own paranormal group help to while away the sleepless nights, but eventually had to retire, again due to mobility issues. Her ambitions had always included writing a book and at the age of fifty-eight, she began her first novel, Run.
She now lives quietly on the edge of the countryside with her partner of forty-two years, Denise, her sister, Julie, furbabies Tilly and Willow and cockatiel, Scotty-Pop…all of which are anxiously awaiting the release of Pat’s first book!

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