AlyMur Productions

Publisher info

I write things. More specifically, I write awesome things for awesome people. It was a long journey to publishing that first novel, mostly involving playing at made-up things with made-up people. So my insanity is questionable at best.

A lover of fantasy ever since reading the Sword of Shannara by Terry Brooks, I had no hope of escaping this fate. I have been accused of writing the worlds of Ravin Saga and a number of unrelated books, such as the children adventures of Little Kitten Mitten and the chronicles of when I went insane: The Wal-Mart Book of Ethics Abridged Edition.

I live with my cell mate and wife Alysia, as well as our son Atticus, in Gayville South Dakota. And yes, that really is the city's name, so just deal with it. We have four fuzzy, four legged children (Duke the Husky, Lucky the Chihuahua, Lizzy the Russian Blue, and Kirby the fat tomcat). Oh, and there is a turtle as well, but I don't really claim it.

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