Robert Mann


Robert Charles Mann is a graduate of the University of Newcastle in Architecture, and continues his endeavors in the field; designing, documenting and lecturing. This background provides a wealth of knowledge into diverse cultures, and cultivates a keen imagination for the creation of detailed fantasy civilizations. Training in hand-to-hand combat, and an enthusiast of ancient warfare and weaponry, his tales’ combatants carry continuity and credibility, whilst maintaining a necessary flair of fantasy. With a Celtic / Anglo Saxon heritage, and studies into medieval architecture & culture, Robert has a love of evocative language and a passion for furthering the fantasy mythologies of forerunning writers such as J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis, telling tall tales beyond the routine of reality, rich in ancient wisdom, moralities, and sharing experiences of life, love, loss and everything in between. Robert lives in Sydney, Australia with his wife and daughter. ‘Secrets of the Keep’ is the first book in the Emperor sun series, and his first work of fiction.

Contact the author via Facebook @ RobertMannBooks or visit his website for ‘the keep’s secrets’, maps and design drawings illuminating the world beyond the words.

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