Sean Develin


Sean Develin is best known as the publisher of the arts and entertainment blog, which covers new and emerging authors, musicians, models and actors. He began his writing career as an advance reader for novelist James Morrow and freelancer for Philadelphia Magazine, where all his assignments hit the slush pile, sans kill fee...following a brief stint on the client roster of a major literary agency and one near book sale, Develin found himself collaborating with novelist RB Wood, SAG-Eligible actor Chris Davis (with whom he published a modern adaptation of Shakespeare's As You Like It) and former Marvel Comics editor Andy Lis. His professional works include two articles published by the American Bar Association and the introductory chapter of Principles of Good Clinical Practice, published by the Royal Pharmaceutical Press. Left to his own devices, he spends his time listening to Black Sabbath, Blue Oyster Cult and Iron Maiden and reading Dickens, Pynchon, DeLillo, Wilde, Yeats, Moore and Gaiman.

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