Sloan McBride


Sloan McBride is a multi-published author whose books have been reviewed, and featured in RT Book Reviews. She is a romance author who leans toward the paranormal, adding suspense, and mixing in mythology with her Time Walker Series. She dances through the Highlands, making merry with the clans in The Talisman Trilogy, and turns up the heat in the crazy world of smokejumpers in the Men of Fire Trilogy.

Sloan lives in Illinois with her husband of 39 years and two children who have grown into adulthood. By day she is executive assistant to the majority owner of a dynamic law firm. She handles the billing, collections, accounting, and helps with administration of the firm. By night, she puts on her writing persona and creates kick-ass heroines and the tortured men who love them.

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Smashwords Interview

What book marketing techniques have been most effective for you?
Two things that I've noticed make the most impact for me. First is becoming featured author with different readers groups. The second is Google Ads.
Describe your desk
It's a small, wooden corner desk in my bedroom right next to one of the windows. I have my computer, my printer, a small desk lamp, RT magazines, and all my notes for my latest book, "The Treasure" which I am currently editing.
Read more of this interview.

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