Srini Chandra


Srini Chandra has lived in six cities on 2 continents in three countries. He lives in Bangalore now, where he writes metaphysical and literary fiction and the occasional humorous short story while running a business line for a major global corporation. The captive audience of a lovely wife and two young daughters is the reason he began writing. He loves to read, and completes books in one sitting. He is always on the lookout for that diamond in the rough, that gem of a book, yet to be discovered and acclaimed.

Srini is the author of two books: 3 Lives, In Search of Bliss – a metaphysical and spiritual fiction novella, and Instant Karma – a collection of short stories on India.

Srini holds masters degrees from Carnegie Mellon University and Ohio State University in the United States. He completed his undergraduate degree from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras in India. His professional career in high technology marketing and business management spans two decades.

Where to find Srini Chandra online


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