
Publisher info exists to encourage people to read the Bible. We believe that God's word is living and active and we've experienced how it penetrates our hearts and changes our lives. Our mission is to help make the Bible accessible and encourage others to join us as we read.

One of the ways we accomplish this mission is by presenting a number of 30 Day Bible Reading plans. Why 30 Days? Because month-long plans are easier to commit to. We've found that it's hard to get people to commit to reading the Bible through in a year. But ask them to commit to 30 Days, and it's a lot more accessible for everybody.

Studies show that you are more likely to follow through on a reading plan if you read with a friend who will hold you accountable. We encourage you to complete each days reading and push the LIKE button, which will let your friends know that you've finished today's reading--and remind them to do the same.

Our daily readings are selected by Christopher D. Hudson who has contributed to well over fifty Bible projects, sixty study guides, and over a hundred books. He has served as managing editor for best-selling Bibles and books such as the Inspirational Bible with Max Lucado (1,000,000+ sold), The Extreme Teen Bible (1,000,000+ sold) , the Case for Christ Study Bible with Lee Strobel, the 12 Volume QuickNotes Simplified Commentary Series (Barbour), and the 40 Day Bible Adventure (Barbour). Through each project, his mission is to help people read, understand, and apply the Bible. Chris is a graduate from Wheaton College (IL) has been an active teacher in his church for nearly twenty years. He lives outside Chicago.

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Bible Promise Criss Cross Puzzles: 30 Fun Puzzles that will Encourage and Inspire, Vol. 1
Price: $1.99 USD. Words: 2,100. Language: English. Published: July 14, 2011 by thebiblepeople. Categories: Nonfiction » Entertainment » Games, puzzles, & brain twisters, Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Christianity
These 30 Criss Cross puzzles will help you reflect on and enjoy some of the Bible's great promises. These fun puzzles offer a nice break and fun way to reflect on God's word whether you're 8 years old or 80!
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30 Scripture Readings for Christmas
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 12,030. Language: English. Published: July 6, 2011 . Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Christianity
This book arranges 30 passages of Scripture that can help you keep focused on the true meaning of Christmas. Take a few moments every day during the next month and spend some time reminding yourself about the real reason for the season! These 30 passages are reprinted in their entirety, but without commentary, in hopes that you will enjoy reflective, undistracted moments with God’s Word.
30 Scripture Readings with the Great Men of the Bible
Price: $1.99 USD. Words: 33,970. Language: English. Published: July 6, 2011 . Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Christianity
The Bible is a divine book. Yes, it delivers God’s message of hope and salvation. But it also records history—the creation of the world, the fall of man, the kings of old, and the birth of the church. And like all history, each of these stories is centered on people.These 30 passages here are reprinted in their entirety but without commentary.
30 Scripture Readings on Getting to Know God
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 16,720. Language: English. Published: July 6, 2011 . Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Christianity
When we read books, we rarely get to know the main character by reading one page. Usually, it is the entire book that allows us to get to know the character, watch how they act, see how they respond, and begin to understand how they think. The same is true of the Bible and it’s main character: God.These 30 passages are reprinted in their entirety but without commentary.
365 Encouraging Bible Verses
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 12,170. Language: English. Published: July 6, 2011 . Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Christianity
Many people hope the Bible will provide the encouragement they need, but finding the right verses is a difficult task. This book highlights the 365 most encouraging verses in the Bible. Each with a title that will help you skim and find the right verse at the right time. This book is a wonderful devotional aid as well as a handy reference when you're looking for a verse to bless someone else.
30 Scripture Readings with the Great Women of the Bible
Price: $1.99 USD. Words: 21,730. Language: English. Published: July 6, 2011 . Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Christianity
Many view the Bible as a male-dominated book. And in a sense, that’s true. As with the culture it was written, the main characters (and most frequent ones) tended to be men. Yet God is not chauvinistic. Despite the male-centered culture that dominated history, some of the most profound and biblical characters are women. This book captures 30 readings about the great women of the Bible.
Parables of Jesus: The Stories of Christ Arranged by Topic
Price: $1.99 USD. Words: 10,590. Language: English. Published: July 6, 2011 . Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Christianity
This book arranges Jesus’ parables by theme and reprints them in their entirety. Though you may already be familiar with Jesus’ teaching, you may not realize that the Bible records over 50 of his parables. These passages are reprinted in their entirety but without commentary in hopes that you will enjoy reflective, undistracted moments with God’s Word.
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