Tiona Brown


Tiona is the third of ten siblings born, raised, and educated in the Philadelphia area. Even with such a large family, Tiona was a force to be reckoned with and stood out in her own right. She always loved to dance, model, write stories and poems. She also enjoyed putting on makeshift plays and dance skits in her home or on the sidewalk while growing up in North Philadelphia with her siblings. She is a lover of the arts and pursued careers in both modeling and hair design before her passion for writing demanded her attention. She loves fashion whether high-end, vintage or thrift shops, and constantly creates her own style.

Today, Tiona continues to share her gift as the co-founder of tt-time. tt-time, is a non-profit organization that caters to the young people of the Philadelphia area. After seeing and writing in her journals about the impact of violence, drugs, guns, poverty, and peer pressure that plague urban youth, Tiona decided to make a difference in their lives. Also as a single parent, Tiona is no stranger to the struggles parents face when trying to provide an excellent education and exciting extra curriculum activities. Other than the basic football, basketball and track options and the many budget cuts, countless numbers of public schools fail to provide great after school programs or have limited enrollment due to space restraints. However, Tiona still believes in the “old school value”…of “it takes a village to raise a child(ren)” and tt-time is dedicated to making a difference in the lives of children by providing an outlet to showcase their talents, while educating them about positive choices and the impact that one bad decision can have on their lives. In addition to providing children with the opportunity to showcase their dance skills, tt-time also nurtures their hearts. Volunteering is a gigantic division of the organization and encourages children to lend their hands and their hearts to those who are less fortunate and in need of a helping hand.

Tiona began her publishing venture with “Ain’t No Sunshine”, the story of Sunshine Cannon, a beautiful woman with a tattered past and ominous future. With this debut she set a trend, publishing quality fiction for readers of all genres. She decided to self-publish her books after researching and realizing that it was the best way to put her thoughts out for the world to see. She quickly gained fans, who are anxiously anticipating her next releases.

Her second novel “Who” is being revealed on March 31st 2012. This riveting suspense focuses on Kendra Wright, a mother of two who is HIV positive. There is no secret that she is HIV positive but the mystery lies in “Who” gave her the virus. She educates her readers about the virus and prevention though this great suspense novel; and her hope is that with each book read there will be one less person infected. Tiona is currently working on “M& M Suites…Success Now, Then, & Always” which is slated for a 2013 release. For more information on Tiona visit her on the web at www.Tiona.net, for more information on her non-profit organization visit www.tt-time.com.

For Book Signings, Interviews or Speaking Engagements contact: Tyronda Cannon at 267-586-9965,or Email Info@Tiona.net

Where to find Tiona Brown online

Website: http://www.tiona.net
Twitter: @tweetpop
Facebook: Facebook profile


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