Julia Brook


Julia Brook is the alias of Ülli Kukumägi. She has for many years been teaching psychology and non-verbal communication (including lie detection, and identification of psychopaths). She is a practicing hypnotherapist working with clients.
“The body and the subconscious will react first. Afterwards, attitudes, thoughts and actions follow.”
“We deceive ourselves by trying to see what we want to see, and not what really is.”
“We don’t trust our intuition and our senses.”
Julia is the author of a series of children books as well as having written articles for various magazines. She has regularly appeared on television and radio. She is currently working on her next book: Signals of lying & the body language of Sociopaths.

Smashwords Interview

Why did you write a book about body language in flirt and romance?
Body language is the key to understanding hidden attitudes and feelings. People instantly react to events whether they want to or not and these automatic reactions leak information about our most secret feelings, even those we want to hide.
What we feel determines our attitudes towards things and that in turn influences our conscious and unconscious behaviors. By being able to read body language, we are able to get a glimpse of the sometimes shocking hidden reality.
If words express what a person is thinking about, then body language reveals what the person is actually feeling and what he or she is trying to cover up. By interpreting body language we are able to see 99% of what is going on in people's conscious and unconscious thoughts.
For how long have you taught body language and what other topics do you teach?
For the last 5 years the main topics of my trainings are non-verbal and verbal communication, sociopaths behaviors and false identification.
Read more of this interview.

Where to find Julia Brook online


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