Zombie Girl

Infection: Zombie Girl Book 2
Series: Zombie Girl. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 47,130. Language: English. Published: August 6, 2018 . Categories: Fiction » Young adult or teen » Science Fiction, Fiction » Young adult or teen » Horror
When Maddie and Bryce touch, she knows her zombie dream wasn’t simply a dream but a premonition. It’s up to her and Bryce to save the world from the doomsday sickness that will kill everyone – in a manner of speaking. They soon learn the zombies aren’t the only horrors that await them in the new fight-or-die world. They battle by each other’s side as the infection spreads globally.
Premonition: Zombie Girl Book 1
Series: Zombie Girl. Price: Free! Words: 14,850. Language: English. Published: August 6, 2018 . Categories: Fiction » Young adult or teen » Science Fiction, Fiction » Young adult or teen » Horror
Maddie’s parents flip when they find out she’s failing science. That’s her worst problem until she wakes up and finds they’re zombies. Now she must escape them and her house. With nowhere else to go, and the keys to her parents’ sailboat, she makes her getaway. Finding Bryce was a fortunate circumstance and the two take on zombies and set sail for parts unknown.
Retribution: Zombie Girl 3
Series: Zombie Girl. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 59,360. Language: English. Published: August 6, 2018 . Categories: Fiction » Young adult or teen » Science Fiction, Fiction » Young adult or teen » Horror
Maddie and zombie-slashing buddy Bryce choose separate paths. Bryce and Jack follow the U.S. military carrier while Maddie and the others head out to Jacksonville, Florida. Will Maddie and Bryce be successful in their missions? Will extenuating factors prevent them from saving what’s left of humanity?