BattleTech Legends

BattleTech Legends: Impetus of War
Series: BattleTech Legends, Book 22. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 100,730. Language: English. Originally Published: November 1, 1996 by Catalyst Game Labs. Categories: Fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » Military, Fiction » Adventure » War & military adventure, Fiction » Themes & motifs » Media tie-in
CLAWS THAT CATCH… Major Loren Jaffray is a soldier’s soldier, a hardened professional who made his reputation with the Capellan Confederation's legendary Death Commandos. Now serving as an officer in the Northwind Highlanders, Loren longs to prove his loyalty to his new comrades. And he’s about to get his chance—the Draconis Combine is hiring his regiment to take on a mission unlike any before...
BattleTech Legends: D.R.T.
Series: BattleTech Legends, Book 22. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 85,190. Language: English. Originally Published: November 24, 2019 by Catalyst Game Labs. Categories: Fiction » Science fiction » General, Fiction » Science fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » Space opera, Fiction » Science fiction » Military, Fiction » Themes & motifs » Media tie-in
DEAD RIGHT THERE Jeremiah Rose and the Black Thorns, flush with their success against the Jade Falcons on Borghese, head to Harlech to draw a new assignment. Their only requirement: Their new job must let them face off against the Clans. They find more than they bargained for—a lot more. Their assignment: Garrison duty on Wolcott—a Kurita planet...
BattleTech Legends: Measure of a Hero
Series: BattleTech Legends, Book 23. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 72,160. Language: English. Originally Published: July 1, 2000 by Catalyst Game Labs. Categories: Fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » General, Fiction » Science fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » Military, Fiction » Themes & motifs » Media tie-in
BETWEEN TWO MASTERS… Colonel Felix Blucher’s orders from the Archon were simple enough: quash the Davion Loyalist uprising on Thorin. But Blucher never planned on facing the fearless Archer Christifori, local militia leader and decorated MechWarrior in the Clan Wars. As tension rise between Blucher’s Lyran Alliance and the Davion Loyalist population, Archer is torn between obedience to the...
BattleTech Legends: Call of Duty
Series: BattleTech Legends, Book 27. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 75,690. Language: English. Originally Published: October 1, 2001 by Catalyst Game Labs. Categories: Fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » Space opera, Fiction » Science fiction » Military, Fiction » Themes & motifs » Media tie-in
PLANET OF PERIL... The planet Odessa is caught between two adversaries whose personal antagonism may cost them much more than their lives. On one side is Count Nicholas Fisk, ruler of Odessa and a staunch supporter of Katrina Steiner, the ruler of the Lyran Alliance. In an effort to help stamp out the rebellion against Katrina's rule that has sprouted up across dozens of Alliance worlds, Count...
BattleTech Legends: Illusions of Victory
Series: BattleTech Legends, Book 29. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 83,040. Language: English. Originally Published: May 1, 2000 by Catalyst Game Labs. Categories: Fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » Military, Fiction » Adventure » War & military adventure, Fiction » Themes & motifs » Media tie-in
WHEN THE STAKES ARE YOUR LIFE... Solaris VII is known as the Game World—where entertainment is king, money is power, and MechWarriors from every corner of the Inner Sphere come to make war against one another in the ultimate sporting event. Michael Searcy arrived on Solaris VII as a dishonored MechWarrior, and worked his way up in the ranking to become a valued commodity in the games. He knows...
BattleTech Legends: Patriots and Tyrants
Series: BattleTech Legends, Book 30. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 78,020. Language: English. Originally Published: December 2, 2019 by Catalyst Game Labs. Categories: Fiction » Science fiction » General, Fiction » Science fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » Space opera, Fiction » Science fiction » Military, Fiction » Themes & motifs » Media tie-in
SIBLING RIVALRIES... Bitter conflicts within the Star League threaten to plunge the entire Inner Sphere into chaos, as Victor Steiner-Davion and his sister, Katrina, maneuver their own forces to the brink of civil war. At the same time, their young brother, Arthur, is beginning to gain his own supporters in the Federated Commonwealth—including the powerful Draconis March, who see their own path...
BattleTech Legends: Storms of Fate
Series: BattleTech Legends, Book 31. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 80,620. Language: English. Originally Published: August 30, 2016 by Catalyst Game Labs. Categories: Fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » Space opera, Fiction » Science fiction » Military, Fiction » Themes & motifs » Media tie-in
STRIKE AND COUNTERSTRIKE... The civil war within the Federated Commonwealth rages unabated. Katrina Steiner-Davion continues her tyrannical rule as her deposed brother, Victor, slowly wins back the empire Katrina stole from him. Now, with the Clans striking out once more from their occupation zone and violence chewing up armies on dozens of worlds, Victor prepares what he hopes is the final...
BattleTech Legends: Endgame
Series: BattleTech Legends, Book 32. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 87,570. Language: English. Originally Published: September 3, 2002 by Catalyst Game Labs. Categories: Fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » Space opera, Fiction » Science fiction » Military, Fiction » Themes & motifs » Media tie-in
THE THRILLING CONCLUSION OF THE FEDCOM CIVIL WAR! It is the darkest hour of the ongoing civil war between Prince Victor Steiner-Davion and his sister, Katrina. With Victor brought low by the assassination of his love, Omi Kurita, the allied forces are rudderless. As Victor recovers in hiding, Katrina's military rallies. Victor's last chance lies before him, and he will need to draw on his...
Shadowrun Legends: A Fistful of Data
Series: BattleTech Legends, Book 32. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 88,860. Language: English. Originally Published: October 3, 2006 by Catalyst Game Labs. Categories: Fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Fantasy » Paranormal, Fiction » Science fiction » General, Fiction » Science fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Horror » Occult
A HUNT FOR BURIED TREASURE... In the abandoned factory known as the Crypt, society's castoffs have found a place to call home. Some of the denizens are hiding or on the run; some have nowhere left to go. But the Crypt protects its own, providing care for street kids as well as medical and magical healing for those in need. It also sports an illegal tap into the Matrix, and hosts a coven of some...
BattleTech Legends: Lethal Heritage (Blood of Kerensky Trilogy, Book One)
Series: BattleTech Legends, Book 33. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 131,100. Language: English. Originally Published: September 1, 1989 by Catalyst Game Labs. Categories: Fiction » Science fiction » General, Fiction » Science fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » Space opera, Fiction » Science fiction » Military
A DANGEROUS NEW ENEMY APPROACHES… Two decades after the events that nearly brought the Successor States to the brink of all-out war, the Great Houses exist in an uneasy peace. But now, from out beyond the Periphery comes a new threat. A swift-moving military force of unknown origin. Nothing the Inner Sphere has can stop them. Their power, speed, and ferocity are unparalleled. Some of the finest...
BattleTech Legends: Blood Legacy (Blood of Kerensky Trilogy, Book Two)
Series: BattleTech Legends, Book 34. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 126,520. Language: English. Originally Published: December 1, 1990 by Catalyst Game Labs. Categories: Fiction » Science fiction » General, Fiction » Science fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » Space opera, Fiction » Science fiction » Military
THE ENEMY OF MY ENEMY… Since appearing in the Inner Sphere, the frenzied Clans have overwhelmed every planet they've invaded, brutally crushing any opposing force. Their race is selectively bred for combat. Their technology is superior to anything the Inner Sphere possesses. Nothing the Great Houses have can stop them. Humanity's only hope—an alliance of mortal enemies—may be doomed. The Clan...
BattleTech Legends: Lost Destiny (Blood of Kerensky Trilogy, Book Three)
Series: BattleTech Legends, Book 35. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 136,060. Language: English. Originally Published: September 1, 1991 by Catalyst Game Labs. Categories: Fiction » Science fiction » General, Fiction » Science fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » Space opera, Fiction » Science fiction » Military
THE FINAL ASSAULT... The Clans. Warriors bred for battle and mated to fantastic war machines, Clansmen live for victory and pray for death before defeat. Invaders from beyond the Periphery, the Clans have beaten the forces of the Inner Sphere repeatedly. Now the Clans are driving toward their ultimate objective—Terra, cradle of humankind, and hub of the ComStar communications network. Nothing...
BattleTech Legends: Natural Selection
Series: BattleTech Legends, Book 36. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 102,150. Language: English. Originally Published: April 7, 1992 by Catalyst Game Labs. Categories: Fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » Space opera, Fiction » Science fiction » Military, Fiction » Themes & motifs » Media tie-in
ON THE BRINK OF ALL-OUT WAR... The Clan War has ended in an uneasy peace. Sporadic Clan incursions into Inner Sphere territory supply mercenaries like the Kell Hounds with more work than they can handle, while border raids divide the Federated Commonwealth's political factions, bringing further instability to the realm standing between Clan's goals and anarchy. And while secret ambitions drive...
BattleTech Legends: Assumption of Risk
Series: BattleTech Legends, Book 37. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 123,320. Language: English. Originally Published: January 1, 1995 by Catalyst Game Labs. Categories: Fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » Space opera, Fiction » Science fiction » Military, Fiction » Themes & motifs » Media tie-in
ONE MAN’S DESTINY… Solaris VII, the Game World, is the Inner Sphere in microcosm, and Kai Allard-Liao is its champion. Veteran of the war against the Clans, he engages in free-form battles against challengers who wish to claim his crown. There is no place he would rather be. Then the political realities of the Federated Commonwealth intrude on Solaris. Ryan Steiner, a man sworn to dethrone...
BattleTech Legends: Bred for War
Series: BattleTech Legends, Book 38. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 127,680. Language: English. Originally Published: January 1, 1995 by Catalyst Game Labs. Categories: Fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » Space opera, Fiction » Science fiction » Military, Fiction » Themes & motifs » Media tie-in
TO KEEP THE PEACE... Along with the throne of the Federated Commonwealth, Prince Victor Steiner-Davion inherited a number of problems. Foremost among them is the Clans' threat to the peace of the Inner Sphere—and a treacherous sister who wants to supplant him. The expected demise of Joshua Marik—heir to the Free Worlds League, whose very presence maintained peace—also endangers harmony. Victor...
BattleTech Legends: Grave Covenant (Twilight of the Clans, #2)
Series: BattleTech Legends, Book 39. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 109,200. Language: English. Originally Published: September 1, 1997 by Catalyst Game Labs. Categories: Fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » Space opera, Fiction » Science fiction » Military, Fiction » Themes & motifs » Media tie-in
TAKING THE FIGHT TO THE ENEMY... Possessing precious secret information that will lead them down the Exodus Road, the Inner Sphere Successor States can now meet the Clans on their own terms...and behind enemy lines. The Herculean task of amassing enough power means re-establishing the legendary Star League—a union of Successor States and their BattleMechs led by Victor Steiner-Davion. But the...
BattleTech Legends: Heir to the Dragon
Series: BattleTech Legends, Book 40. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 115,010. Language: English. Originally Published: August 1, 1989 by Catalyst Game Labs. Categories: Fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » General, Fiction » Science fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » Space opera, Fiction » Science fiction » Military
A SWORD FORGED IN SHADOWS… Theodore Kurita is the son of Takashi Kurita, and heir apparent to the Draconis Combine, one of the most powerful realms of the Inner Sphere. But the Draconis Combine has never been a place of smooth transitions. Historically, a Kurita proves himself a fit leader by a successful bid for power, political or...otherwise. Theodore's perilous journey to power is a twenty...
BattleTech Legends: By Blood Betrayed
Series: BattleTech Legends, Book 41. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 66,760. Language: English. Originally Published: June 1, 2003 by Catalyst Game Labs. Categories: Fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » Space opera, Fiction » Science fiction » Military, Fiction » Themes & motifs » Media tie-in
IN HIS BROTHER’S FOOTSTEPS… Harley Rassor is a simple farm boy in a complex universe—more than happy to work the land of planet Slewis with his father. His restless older brother left to join the elite mercenary corps, Able's Aces… and paid with his life. Now, Harley's father wants him to join the fight—and learn what happened to his brother. What he learns is that the Aces are in turmoil. His...
BattleTech Legends: Blood of Heroes
Series: BattleTech Legends, Book 42. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 109,420. Language: English. Originally Published: July 1, 1993 by Catalyst Game Labs. Categories: Fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » Space opera, Fiction » Science fiction » Military, Fiction » Adventure » War & military adventure
ASSASSINATION’S AFTERMATH… Melissa Steiner's assassination ignited the fires of civil war, and now secessionist factions clamor for rebellion against the Federated Commonwealth. The rebels' plans hinge on gaining control of the Skye March, thus controlling the crucial Terran Corridor. Throughout the March, civil and military leaders plot to take up arms against Prince Victor Steiner-Davion. The...
BattleTech Legends: Tactics of Duty
Series: BattleTech Legends, Book 43. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 105,910. Language: English. Originally Published: June 1, 1999 by Catalyst Game Labs. Categories: Fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » Space opera, Fiction » Science fiction » Military, Fiction » Adventure » War & military adventure
AN EMPIRE IN REVOLT… Tyranny. Rebellion. War. Treachery, tribulation, and a relentless slide into the bloody jaws of Armageddon! Insurrection sweeps through the fragmenting Federated Commonwealth, pitting Steiner against Davion forces, and civilians against their petty oppressors. On Caledonia, it's no different—except the mercenary unit Gray Death Legion is caught in the middle of it all. Alex...
BattleTech Legends: Operation Excalibur
Series: BattleTech Legends, Book 44. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 105,740. Language: English. Originally Published: August 1, 1996 by Catalyst Game Labs. Categories: Fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » Space opera, Fiction » Science fiction » Military, Fiction » Adventure » War & military adventure
NOTHING LEFT TO LOSE… The mercenary code was broken by the Gray Death Legion during their desperate fighting on the planet Caledonia. At least, that is the ruling of the courts. And the judges decide to hit below the belt—Grayson Carlyle, revered leader of the now outlawed mercenary band, is stripped of his title and holdings, and the legion is banished from Glengarry, the planet they've called...
BattleTech Legends: The Hunters (Twilight of the Clans #3)
Series: BattleTech Legends, Book 45. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 103,210. Language: English. Originally Published: October 1, 1998 by Catalyst Game Labs. Categories: Fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » Space opera, Fiction » Science fiction » Military, Fiction » Adventure » War & military adventure
ON THE OFFENSIVE… "Carry the fight to the Clans!" has become the rallying cry for the armies of the Successor States. Now, as the Great Houses launch an offensive against the Clan Occupation Zone, a combined armed task force, drawn from across the Inner Sphere, begins its own desperate journey. Following the road marked out for them by a Clan defector, Task Force Serpent sets out to strike a...
BattleTech Legends: Sword and Fire (Twilight of the Clans #5)
Series: BattleTech Legends, Book 46. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 96,060. Language: English. Originally Published: January 6, 2017 by Catalyst Game Labs. Categories: Fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » Space opera, Fiction » Science fiction » Military, Fiction » Adventure » War & military adventure
TAKING THE FIGHT TO THE ENEMY… An awesome mission has been assigned to Task Force Serpent: to destroy Huntress, homeworld of Clan Smoke Jaguar, the Inner Sphere's greatest menace. But the invasion has suffered a serious blow: Marshal Morgan Hasek-Davion has been struck down by an unknown assassin. With the fate of the entire Inner Sphere in jeopardy, only one other daredevil warrior is brave...
BattleTech Legends: Shadows of War (Twilight of the Clans, #6)
Series: BattleTech Legends, Book 46. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 84,380. Language: English. Originally Published: September 1, 1998 by Catalyst Game Labs. Categories: Fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » Space opera, Fiction » Science fiction » Military, Fiction » Adventure » War & military adventure
A BATTLE TO ERADICATE THE ENEMY… The massive invasion force of Operation Serpent has descended behind enemy lines. Their mission is to obliterate the military power of Clan Smoke Jaguar and seize the homeworld of Huntress. Commanding this historic assault is General Ariana Winston of the elite Eridani Light Horse mercenary brigade. After a year’s voyage through deep space, they have arrived...
BattleTech Legends: Prince of Havoc
Series: BattleTech Legends, Book 47. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 83,090. Language: English. Originally Published: December 1, 1998 by Catalyst Game Labs. Categories: Fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » General, Fiction » Science fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » Space opera, Fiction » Science fiction » Military
STRIKE AT THE HEART OF THE ENEMY… Task Force Serpent has triumphed and Clan Smoke Jaguar is shattered beyond redemption. But the final battle is still to come, when Prince Victor Steiner-Davion braves the unknown and travels to the very heart of the Clans: Strana Mechty. There, with elite units from across the Inner Sphere, he must wage the ultimate battle to destroy the Crusader cause and...