BattleTech YA

BattleTech: Crimson Night (The Rogue Academy Trilogy, Book Three)
Series: BattleTech YA. Price: $6.99 USD. Words: 84,150. Language: English. Originally Published: July 30, 2021 by Catalyst Game Labs. Categories: Fiction » Science fiction » General, Fiction » Science fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » Space opera, Fiction » Science fiction » Military
A WORLD IN FLAMES… Emporia has been bombed into disease-ridden ruins, and the planet's remaining forces have been scattered. Jasper and Nadine Roux are among the few surviving cadets from the Ritza MechWarrior Academy. They and their war-torn peers are all that stands in the way of Tai-sa Takeji Yoshizawa's plan to conquer their homeworld. Tai-sa Yoshizawa battles dissension within the ranks of...
BattleTech: Iron Dawn (The Rogue Academy Trilogy, Book One)
Series: BattleTech YA. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 91,020. Language: English. Originally Published: April 15, 2019 by Catalyst Game Labs. Categories: Fiction » Science fiction » General, Fiction » Science fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » Space opera, Fiction » Science fiction » Military
GHOSTS IN THE DARK… Jasper and Nadine Roux are cadets at the Ritza MechWarrior Academy; a dream come true for the orphaned siblings from the war-torn planet of Hoff. For the last six years, Emporia has been their home. Sponsored to the academy by the powerful Vogel House, both cadets are expected to excel in all tasks. Their dream becomes a nightmare when the Draconis Combine lands at their...
BattleTech: Ghost Hour (The Rogue Academy Trilogy, Book Two)
Series: BattleTech YA. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 89,800. Language: English. Originally Published: June 26, 2020 by Catalyst Game Labs. Categories: Fiction » Science fiction » General, Fiction » Science fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » Space opera, Fiction » Science fiction » Military
CADETS UNDER FIRE… Jasper and Nadine Roux are cadets at the Ritza MechWarrior Academy…the only thing stopping a megalomaniacal Draconis Combine general with aspirations of claiming a piece of space as his own—starting with their home planet. Emporia is at war, and cadets are now frontline soldiers as Tai-sa Takeji Yoshizawa shifts tactics in a brutal effort to subjugate their entire world. It's...