Crowns of Chaos MC Series

Rough In The Big Apple
Series: Crowns of Chaos MC Series. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 26,520. Language: English. Originally Published: December 1, 2021 by JA Lafrance. Categories: Fiction » Romance » General, Fiction » Romance » Contemporary, Fiction » Mashups
Gas Station, Biker Club and a gorgeous man with blue eyes. Everything that Ryanne wasn't expecting coming off the worst birthday surprise of her life. What she didn't need to see is the impromptu live porn going on in front of her, especially since she hadn't gotten any in years. Then she looked behind her, and saw him. Roy "Rough" Metcalf, enforcer for the Crowns of Chaos MC and a man of few...
Cappy In the Big Apple
Series: Crowns of Chaos MC Series. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 26,970. Language: English. Originally Published: December 28, 2021 by JA Lafrance. Categories: Fiction » Romance » Contemporary, Fiction » Humor & comedy » General, Fiction » Mashups
Do you know how hard it is to be a forty-year-old woman looking for Mr. Right in a sea of Mr. Oh So Wrong? Jane navigates through the elaborate world of online dating sites, only to be disappointed and left wondering; will she find the one? Until Cappy walks into her life and turns it upside down, on the one hand, Cappy makes her see how perfect she is, and in the next, she has been torn apart...
Prince In The big Apple
Series: Crowns of Chaos MC Series. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 30,350. Language: English. Originally Published: October 18, 2021 by JA Lafrance. Categories: Fiction » Fairy tales, Fiction » Romance » Contemporary, Fiction » Romance » Suspense, Fiction » Mashups
Your hair is too red. Your voice is too soft. You are just too plain. All things that Muriel Mack's husband reminds her of on a daily basis, until it all comes to a head and Muriel becomes more than just a verbal punching bag. Left for dead in a house where no one ever visits, she hopes that someone will come looking for her, and soon. Justen "Prince" Erikson, started as a prospect, then his...
Commando: Club Curve #15
Series: Crowns of Chaos MC Series. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 21,180. Language: English. Originally Published: December 27, 2023 by JA Lafrance. Categories: Fiction » Romance » Contemporary, Fiction » Mashups
A Motorcycle Club Romance Coming in June 2023, your favorite Contemporary Romance authors have come together to give you 30 nights you'll never forget. Every day in June you'll get to read sassy, sexy, curvy, confident women in locations all around the globe, take part in the night of their lives, at Club Curve. Max "Commando" Sutcliffe was tired of the muffler bunnies that hung out at the...