After Darkness Falls

Blood from a Stone
Series: After Darkness Falls, Book 0. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 16,670. Language: English. Originally Published: April 25, 2019 by Twisted Mirth Publishing. Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Paranormal, Fiction » Fantasy » Urban, Fiction » Romance » Paranormal » Vampires
Viola Wild has spent the last hundred years scourging the world to find the heir to the Eirikrsen's legacy. She doesn't expect her latest inquiry to be fruitful. Thomas Miller is just a human. How could he be linked to the most ancient and terrifying line of vampire this world has ever known? She soon realizes, there's more to the man-and to his charming little sister. Blood From A Stone is a...
After Darkness Falls
Series: After Darkness Falls, Book 1. Price: Free! Words: 61,900. Language: English. Originally Published: April 23, 2019 by Madam's Books. Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Urban, Fiction » Romance » Action/adventure, Fiction » Romance » Paranormal » Vampires
They've exterminated an entire bloodline, purging the world of the only creatures vampires dread. Or so they think. Chloe used to study hard, do everything right to pave a bright future, but children sometimes have to pay for their parents' sins, and Chloe's tab is pretty steep. At twenty-six, when a series of attacks forces her to seek refuge in the notorious Institute of Paranormal Studies...
Blood of a Huntsman
Series: After Darkness Falls, Book 2. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 53,730. Language: English. Originally Published: May 30, 2019 by Twisted Mirth Publishing. Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Paranormal, Fiction » Fantasy » Urban, Fiction » Romance » Paranormal » Vampires
The vampires have always feared the first of their kind and his descendants. Now all immortals know there's a new Eirikrson threatening their way of life. And they don't intend to let her. Catherine Stormhale has spent decades trying to crawl out of her family's shadow. Now they're calling her back home, to serve their clan against her new friends, and she has a choice to make. Bash used to...
Wickedly They Dance
Series: After Darkness Falls, Book 3. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 68,610. Language: English. Originally Published: September 21, 2019 by Twisted Mirth Publishing. Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Paranormal, Fiction » Fantasy » Urban, Fiction » Romance » Paranormal » Shifters, Fiction » Romance » Paranormal » Vampires
The world has learned to fear vampires and forgotten another threat. Before the bloodsuckers rose, the gods had perfected one race of predators. And they've decided to hunt again. Avani was raised in another world, away from the secluded werewolves of Oldcrest, but the Elder Pack was the only place where she could be safe. Until now. In his hundreds of years, Alexius has lived without...
Blood and Hexes
Series: After Darkness Falls, Book 4. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 55,450. Language: English. Originally Published: August 29, 2020 by Twisted Mirth Publishing. Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Paranormal, Fiction » Fantasy » Urban, Fiction » Romance » Paranormal » Vampires
Seven names. Seven families of royal vampires on Night Hill. One stands above all. After centuries of freedom, no one is happy to kneel to a new Eirikrson. Diana intended to stop by Oldcrest for a pit stop. Catch up with her brother, meet his mate, maybe convince them to name their firstborn after her. She'll soon learn, as a Helsing, she must pick a side. Before one is picked for her. Mikar...
Wings and Shadowthief
Series: After Darkness Falls, Book 5. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 42,360. Language: English. Originally Published: May 31, 2021 by Twisted Mirth Publishing. Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Paranormal, Fiction » Fantasy » Urban, Fiction » Romance » Paranormal » Witches
Angry gods. Vengeful witches. And in the middle of it all, Jack, half-hunter, half-immortal, full blooded disaster. Cut off from his paternal family since the day he was born, Jack never wanted his devastating abilities. Waking up covered in blood, without any idea of how he got to the heart of Russia, he has to face the fact that the powers he ignored are controlling him. To ensure he doesn't...
Midwinter Night's Prince
Series: After Darkness Falls, Book 6. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 48,910. Language: English. Originally Published: November 20, 2021 by Twisted Mirth Publishing. Categories: Fiction » Fairy tales, Fiction » Fantasy » Paranormal, Fiction » Romance » Paranormal » Witches
Seth Stomhale is a monster. A demi-god issued of a royal vampiric line, he wields more power in his fingertips than most can dream of. And none of it can save him from Aveka Primerius. Enslaved by one of the strongest witches on Earth to protect his family, he's retained one thread to the outside world. Her. Blair was born to be head of the Salem coven, before they realized she was useless...
A Murder of Queens
Series: After Darkness Falls, Book 7. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 34,990. Language: English. Originally Published: April 30, 2022 by Twisted Mirth Publishing. Categories: Fiction » Fairy tales, Fiction » Fantasy » General, Fiction » Fantasy » Urban, Fiction » Romance » Paranormal » Vampires, Fiction » Romance » Paranormal » Witches
The tale of blood and monsters paving Eirikr's life started with the rage of a queen—and will end with one. In the wake of the devastation of Night Hill, Eirikr is finally free from the prison he was locked into for centuries. But at what price? Greer Vespian was supposed to be his redemption. Now, her body is cold and unmoving, and her soul, at the mercy of their foes. Eirikr must settle old...