Bad Mary

Bad Mary
Series: Bad Mary, Book 1. Price: Free! Words: 15,330. Language: English. Published: June 3, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Entertainment, Fiction » Fantasy » Contemporary
Trying to find the special person in everyone's life, a good girl gets into serious trouble. Something is wrong with her, because she is faced with the unknown. But perhaps the opposite is true, and good changes in Mary's life are just beginning. But why is her mysterious protector on the side of the enemy?
Stair to Miracles
Series: Bad Mary, Book 2. Price: Free! Words: 15,440. Language: English. Published: June 4, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Young adult or teen » Fantasy, Fiction » Children’s books » Family / General
Changes do not always lead to good things. Mary got a new house, a different mother, and therefore a lot of worries. But the real threat is very close, it is not easy to avoid it. The main thing is not to be afraid of your mysterious protector and accept the unknown into your life.
Who Are You, Tim?
Series: Bad Mary, Book 3. Price: Free! Words: 15,640. Language: English. Published: June 16, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Contemporary, Fiction » Children’s books » Paranormal
Friendship with an alien can be very helpful, because you never know what aliens from some planets are capable of. The benefits for this girl are obvious, but the harm is also noticeable. What a pity that she has no choice, she can no longer hide from those who got so close to her.
No Matter Who You Are
Series: Bad Mary, Book 4. Price: Free! Words: 17,210. Language: English. Published: August 28, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Fairy tales & fables, Fiction » Fantasy » Contemporary
Mary is the most ordinary child from a very special family. Initially, she was deprived of the most important things, but now she has too much, all because one of her fathers was either too good or very bad to give her all this. She had no choice, what happens to her scares her, but she will be happy because she is still loved very much.