Bulletproof Butterfly

Easy Sacrifice
Series: Bulletproof Butterfly. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 53,990. Language: English. Originally Published: September 24, 2016 by Anna Brooks. Categories: Fiction » Romance » General, Fiction » Romance » Contemporary, Fiction » Romance » Suspense, Fiction » Romance » Action/adventure, Fiction » Romance » New adult
Jessa: He was there when I needed him. He showed up like some kind of hero and saved me. I wanted him to stay, I wanted to get to know him... I wanted him. But he always left without a word. The last time I saw him, he was in the backseat of a police car for a murder that I committed. Ty: She looks at me like I'm special. She thinks I have something to offer her, but she's wrong. I don't have...
Series: Bulletproof Butterfly. Price: $3.99 USD. Words: 29,950. Language: English. Originally Published: February 21, 2018 by Anna Brooks. Categories: Fiction » Women's fiction » Chick lit, Fiction » Romance » General, Fiction » Romance » Contemporary, Fiction » Romance » Suspense, Fiction » Romance » New adult
"Oh my gosh, ladies, all the feels... all of them! This H is so determined and patient even though he's been so hurt in his past. He healed her broken heart so beautifully, finally getting what's he's always wanted; his own family." ~KerJustanotherbookworm I wasn't supposed to be in town for long. Get in, get the job done, and get out. Easy. Simple. She was never supposed to happen, and her...
Bulletproof Butterfly
Series: Bulletproof Butterfly. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 96,510. Language: English. Originally Published: November 16, 2017 by Anna Brooks. Categories: Fiction » Women's fiction » Chick lit, Fiction » Romance » General, Fiction » Romance » Contemporary, Fiction » Romance » Suspense, Fiction » Romance » New adult
To keep her clean, he's about to get dirty... I wasn't a rookie, but I made a mistake because I was selfish, impulsive, and headstrong. I was also in love. My desire for her overwhelmed me. Consumed me. Distracted me. To protect her, I stood motionless as my partner pried her from the security of my arms. I watched as she fought his hold. I even listened when she screamed that she hated me. For...