The Lock Carron Series

The Laird's Daughters
Series: The Lock Carron Series, Book 1. Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 182,990. Language: English. Originally Published: December 3, 2013 by Janet Heads. Categories: Fiction » Romance » Historical » General
The Laird’s Daughters It is the year 1312 in the turbulent highlands of Scotland. Nineteen year old Katherine Frazer, daughter of Laird Frazer, is a prisoner in her own home. Suddenly, she finds herself married to David MacDonald, the soon to be chieftain of the MacDonald’s of Loch Carron. Along with her cousin Helen Urquhart, she is whisked away from her overprotective father to Loch Carron...
The Casimir Effect
Series: The Lock Carron Series, Book 2. Price: $4.95 USD. Words: 167,560. Language: English. Originally Published: July 26, 2014 by Janet Heads. Categories: Fiction » Romance » Historical » Medieval
The year is 1313. The MacDonalds discover a woman half frozen outside their castle. Janet Hendrick finds herself in a MacDonald castle, frightened and feeling alone. She is launched into a quest of survival to find her way home.With the burden of a secret, she is terrified she will be found out. Janet needs to tread carefully as the men who were her rescuers, could also end her life. Befriended...