Reviews of Sarah Palin: Vampire Hunter

Sarah Palin vs. Vampires! Vampire hunter Palin and her team visit Twinkle, Oregon a tiny town with a big vampire problem. For teenage Stella and her undead boyfriend Edmund (not to mention werewolf Jake) life--and unlife--will never be the same! A madcap mix of humor, horror, and wild guns-blazing vampire-fighting action!

Reviews of Sarah Palin: Vampire Hunter by Dan McGirt

Carol reviewed on April 13, 2011

What a blast! A really fun read.
(reviewed 34 days after purchase)
Tami Jackson reviewed on Jan. 22, 2011

REVIEW OF: "Sarah Palin: Vampire Hunter" by Dan McGirt (eBook - 52 pages) perfectly priced for this very short novella: $1.99

If you have ever laughed at photos posted on the Internet, where Walmart shoppers shamelessly wield their plumber's cracks, then you'll feel intrigued by this book's somewhat impious humor (in spite of yourself). Go ahead. GUFFAW when Sarah Palin shows up to make everyone go "crazy stupid" as she shoots vampires, and the town mayor, in the head. Whether you like her or not - you'll recognize her tone because McGirt recreates her speaking-habits so perfectly you'll swear Sarah is reading her dialog out loud to you.

"Okay, I see by your faces some of you are shocked by my statement. And some of you, I just betcha, are only pretending to be shocked. Shame on you!” Said Sarah, at a town meeting, where she addressed the "good people" of Twinkle, Oregon, about the infestation of supernatural monsters.

“Do you know what a ghoul is?” (Palin had asked the mayor, earlier)
“There are several meanings of the word. You’ve got your desert demons and your Massachusetts corpse-eaters. But some people apply the term to living human beings placed under the control or direction of a vampire. Isn’t that the darndest thing?”

* Beyond the hilarious dialog, Sarah Palin: Vampire Hunter is loaded with comical conspiracy theories. (For example: one suggests the Xbox was designed to make "easier chewing for the zombies.")
* Lots of "suitable" double meanings such as when "Palin blasted her way through Swimwear" (in reference to the athletic department, not necessarily referring to her ability to annihilate bathing-wear itself).

* Author consistently ends questions in dialog with "said" instead of the more appropriate "asked" or "queried."
* Proper names such as "Axel" and "Gogo" are not capitalized. These peeves were not even a speed bump for me, however, as the entire manuscript was so perfectly written otherwise.

RATING: FIVE STARS for rapt attention maintained all the way through. It's a fast and curiously fun read.

(I purchased this book)
~ Tami Jackson
author of: Ravena & The Resurrected
(reviewed the day of purchase)
bullock reviewed on June 6, 2010

Greatest. Book. Ever.

An absolutely inspired and genuinely funny parody of the bizarrely popular Twilight series and modern media culture. I'm really looking forward to reading some more of Dan McGirt's stories.
(review of free book)
Wayne Watson reviewed on April 12, 2010

Dreck, but FUNNY dreck!
(review of free book)
Doug Pardee reviewed on April 11, 2010

A humorous story that's actually funny! What will they think of next?

Not only that, but it's well-written and well-edited.

Oh, and you don't need to be a Twilight fan to enjoy this story. I don't know anything more about Twilight than I've seen on TV when people talked about it, and that was plenty.
(review of free book)
Melissa Summers reviewed on March 25, 2010

An enjoyable escape from reality began at the first paragraph. Good fun, great read!
(review of free book)
Josh Smith reviewed on March 16, 2010

I wasn't sure what to expect when I stumbled upon this, but I was very pleasantly surprised. "Twinkle" was hilarious and well worth the short amount of time it took to read it. My only complaint was that the ending seemed a bit abrupt, but putting that aside, a great, fun, quick read.
(review of free book)
T. Shatzel reviewed on March 4, 2010

A hilarious romp through the "steamy underbrush" of current pop culture! Well done!
(review of free book)
MT Murphy reviewed on March 4, 2010

Stella and Edmund share a love like no other. Neither an ancient curse nor the painful transition from adolescence to adulthood can quell their passion. Time has finally come for these lovers to cast off the conventions of their respective cultures and be together forever.
Before they can begin their new life of bliss an unwelcome outsider alters their course. In the midst of tragedy an ancient evil stirs, threatening to destroy the quiet town of Twinkle.

Can Stella overcome her fear and become a heroine with the help of a rogue warrior? Will the town of Twinkle crumble or triumph in the face of damnation?

How does that summary grab you?

Is your BS-o-meter going off yet? I hope it is.

Twinkle by Dan McGirt is satire at its best, folks. If you can read through the first three pages without laughing hard enough to cause internal bleeding and/or soil yourself, you should probably stop there. With approximately 16,000 words, it is well worth the small time investment it takes to read through to the end.

McGirt takes on a host of pop culture topics with the kid gloves left in their proper place: on the shelf. The angsty vampire genre receives a ten pound monkey wrench to the gut with hilarious results.

If you have no sense of humor DO NOT READ THIS BOOK.

If you believe politicians truly have our best interests at heart DO NOT READ THIS BOOK.

If you have a weak bladder DO NOT READ THIS BOOK.

If the thought of ridiculously good looking vampire and werewolf kids meeting untimely and unsavory ends bothers you in the least DO NOT READ THIS BOOK.

On the other hand, if you can appreciate a satirical look at the things and people over which we tend to obsess these days, then you might just enjoy Dan McGirt’s foray into the absurd.

Twinkle is easily worth a thousand times the $0 I paid for it.

~MT Murphy
(review of free book)
Qhaddafy reviewed on March 25, 2012

It has potential, despite that vampires and their hunters are 'everywhere'.

Could use a sequel or two, preferably much longer ones, with a lot more fighting, a little more background stories stories, MUCH stronger adversaries, more dramas, and all. You see, the vampires, which were supposed to be immortal, were slaughtered like pigs .
(reviewed 18 days after purchase)