Reviews of Comfort Food

The first day of my captivity was like being born... or dying. They're both kind of the same thing with the long tunnel and the bright light at the end. Maybe it wasn't like either, actually. Maybe I'm remembering it wrong because for me that day all there was was darkness.

Reviews of Comfort Food by Kitty Thomas

Toni FGMAMTC reviewed on Feb. 25, 2016

Comfort Food is one of my all-time favorite books. It follows the theme of Kitty 's other books that I have read, ownership of a human. A while back I reread it and decided to share about it's greatness.

First off, I have always loved psychology, my major. Comfort Food is chalked full of behaviorism. The writing style totally draws you in. Emily speaks directly to you, telling you about everything. You are reading a personal, sexy, dark science experiment. The story begins with Emily waking up after having been abducted and imprisoned.

Master, we never learn his name, is one of my top book boyfriends ever. He is always so in control and put together. Nothing rattles him or causes him to deviate from his plans. He's gorgeous, intelligent, rich, sexy, patient, determined, focused and leaning toward psychotic. Steadfast in getting his desires met, he wants to own her and everything about her by her choice. He never forces her to do anything, but lays the options in such a way that she wants to please him.

Comfort Food takes us threw the process step by step of modifying Emily's beliefs, desires and thoughts about her life and the world. I cannot explain how interesting this truly is. You must read it for yourself.
(review of free book)
Ailin Chia reviewed on July 7, 2011

I found this book extremely fascinating. I've always been a sucker for BDSM stories that focus on the growing bond between the Dom/me and submissive, and this is certainly is one of those.

I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who is interested in perusing a greater interest in BDSM, especially those who are interested in the Dom/me Sub relationship. Though it would be nice if there could one day be a story about a female Dom.

This story is beautifully done, the characters are very engrossing, and the psychology behind it was really very interesting. An amazing job!
(reviewed 10 days after purchase)
Codynora reviewed on July 6, 2011

I actually read this book right after purchase but I always struggle with reviewing 5 star books - there isn't much to complain about!
I read a lot and there are only very few books that stand out, where I will remember title, author and plot for years.
The biggest compliment I can make is that this is one of those books.
I really would like to revisit Master and Emily and see if their relationship has developed and they have a "happy" ever after - but maybe that would lessen the impact of this story?
(reviewed 6 months after purchase)
Stephanie Land reviewed on May 3, 2011

4.25 stars
This was very well written and it really messed with my mind (in a good way) because I found myself wanting Emily and Master to be together which is seriously crazy. It was so painful reading about Emily trying to find her place in "the world outside" and I could feel her pain and when she gave the edited journal to the psychiatrist that was fascinating. Excellent book with really compelling writing and great characters.
(reviewed 4 days after purchase)
Lovechicken reviewed on Dec. 10, 2010

I started out with the free preview; once that was read I immediately purchased the rest of the book. I was very impressed with the character
development of Emily; her insight into her own plight is fascinating to be a part of. As one who is familiar with BDSM, Ms. Thomas accurately captured the eroticism in submission and masochism. I hope to read more by this author.
(reviewed the day of purchase)
Sarah R reviewed on Nov. 12, 2010

This is the first book I've read of this type. I've read a few fanfiction stories that had the bare basics of BDSM, but this is another thing entirely.
The writing style is engrossing and hypnotic, I started reading the preview on the recommendation of a friend and bought and finished it straight away. If it was on paper I would say it was un-put-down-able.
I kept expecting myself to hate him. Everything I know in my life, the way I live it, says that I should be outraged or disgusted that he could treat someone this way, but it never happened. I had more disgust for her family than for Master, in a way that scares me because I don't know what that says about me.
Despite the fact that this is not my normal genre - I would recommend this book to anyone, everyone. Some will have different reactions than others, some may even hate it, but there is no denying it's a well spun tale and Kitty is a fantastic writer. Do yourself a favor and read it.
(reviewed the day of purchase)
Amy reviewed on Sep. 15, 2010

Fantastically written. Every page captivated me. While this is not a genre or subject matter I tend to be drawn to, this book called to me and I am glad I listened.
(reviewed 66 days after purchase)
Trinity Marlow reviewed on Aug. 21, 2010

"Comfort Food" is a lovely, elegant peek into the darker side of human nature. Through Emily's eyes, Kitty Thomas leads us on an emotional first-hand account of what it's like to be forced into what amounts to sexual slavery. But it's not only that – it's also the journey of a woman who knows she's being mentally trained and conditioned to accept her new position even as everything in her tells her to fight against it. She's fully aware of what's happening, but powerless to stop it, and I think most readers will be equally disturbed and fascinated by her plight.

Master is a man who merely wants to own...something. Yet unlike so many of these stories, he doesn't actively seek to cause pain, but rather adheres to his own strict rules of conduct and self-control even while breaking Emily, making him one of the most enigmatic and benevolent captors I've ever read.

It's a haunting work, and yet beautiful in the bond that grows between the Master and his prey. I think anyone who enjoys this genre will appreciate the fine craftsmanship that went into these characters and the situation itself, and I'll be looking forward to more of the same from Thomas in the future.
(reviewed the day of purchase)
Reena Jacobs reviewed on Aug. 16, 2010

I started this book with a bad attitude because of thoughts of BSDM and slavery. I can’t tell you how surprised I was when I couldn’t put it down. I devoured this book in one sitting, page after page after page. Comfort Foods was so good, it made my "2010 Favorite Reads" list, which only includes three books at the moment.

My biggest disappointment about the entire experience was reaching the end and finding Kitty Thomas has yet to publish another book. Please Ms. Thomas, don’t make us wait too long!

Full review at
(reviewed 27 days after purchase)
Leontines Book Realm reviewed on Aug. 2, 2010

COMFORT FOOD was a story that I received, read, and it conquered me with such a powerful story I’m left awe-struck. This is in no way, shape or form a mainstream erotica and a one-of-a-kind story I feel will fascinate many avid readers of this genre. I can warn you of all the things that might throw you out of your comfort zone; yes this is a story with the Master/slave trope. Yes there is no traditional romance. Yes there are actions and decisions that challenge the very moral foundation of our society. And yes, this erotic story has a darker, gritty tone that will push the envelope. Don’t let this hold you back though, let it challenge you instead! Kitty Thomas gave me an emotionally stellar read where both Master and Emily Vargas are mesmerizing characters and their synergy struck a very elemental cord with me. For the life of me I couldn’t put this book down, all I wanted was to continue delving in the psyche of both the Master and Emily. I wanted to know what made them tick, why they chose certain actions or made certain decisions and gradually I witnessed the blooming of something more, something that was so elemental, undeniable and real, I was left stunned by the end.

Emily Vargas is on the top of the world in her career as an author of self-help books. She is an attractive, confident and self-sufficient woman of her time who lives her life according to her rules. She never thought it possible for someone to kidnap her, she never let her drinks unattended, and still, she finds herself in a situation where she is confronted with a darker part of herself. Emily’s dynamic world came to a halt and suddenly was narrowed down to only one person – him…Master.

The male opponent of Emily, who never receives any other name then Master, is very detailed and meticulous in his actions. Though the interaction comes from Emily his presence is such a force within the story told. Without little to none dialogue coming from him or POV given by the author his personality is very well fleshed out. Expression of body language, the look in his eyes or simple gestures were all the communicative skills he needed to make himself understood.

Comfort Food revolves around two characters in an extraordinary situation. Because the author keeps it very close to Master and Emily there is lots of room for the unraveling of personality characteristics, one on one interaction or lack thereof, and allowing the reader to really come to understand how their relationship dynamics work. The intensity of the story needed nothing more and I was wholeheartedly succumbed to witnessing the reasoning clash with the emotions. In this Kitty Thomas really let me understand Emily. As a woman I related myself to her and I really needed to understand how a captive could fall for her captor? First of all I think the flashback to Emily’s past was a very strategic move to explain an essential issue for me. Second, Emily has a major in Psychology so she understood on a basic level where certain behavior was coming from. If she would act out there would be ramifications, period. And third, the Master. I think I got enough point of view from him to know his state of mind and emotions and two-third into the story there was a revelation that convinced me of the great characterization abilities of this author, suddenly things were understood that made me raise my eyebrow in question before.

The eroticism is in some ways explicit but not graphic and tastefully written to allow the imagination to work as well. At first I was afraid Emily’s fear would remain the trigger for her obedience but it slowly evolved in to something else, something deeper that conveyed the steep emotions behind the erotic actions. When you strip away everything else, at the core Comfort Food is about a Master conditioning his slave. I absorbed COMFORT FOOD, immersed myself in the growing attachment between these two intriguing personalities. Emotions poured out of me while reading. I cried, I felt joy, I rooted for Emily and her inner strength and I was relieved when Master showed a more personal side to himself. As this story is told it’s portrayed not to judge but to expand the horizon. This is no mushy love story but the connection forged between Master and Emily is one that’s tested, tried and overcoming personal boundaries to release inner fears and accept your most inner desires. Which ultimately is setting them both free to be…

The depth of the erotic ministrations, the fundamental interaction and the psychological working of a Master and his slave is showcasing a stark but intrinsic love that impressively goes against type! I can’t emphasize enough how beautiful and honestly this story is written! I love it when an author delivers a thought-provoking story that challenges me to look beyond what I know. I love it when an author introduces characters who make me believe in their kind of happily ever after. I can’t get enough of authors who deliver a story that triggers all of my emotions. Only two other authors in the Erotica genre had this specific effect on me; Joey W Hill and Diana Hunter with Secret Submission, now I can add Kitty Thomas to this small but very cherished group.

The ending broke my heart and healed it almost simultaneously and with closing this novel I know without a shadow of a doubt I will never forget either Master or Emily! COMFORT FOOD is an invitation to explore a different kind of Erotic story and I hope many of you dare to accept it! I know I have read a story that will definitely end up in my top 20 of 2010.
(reviewed 25 days after purchase)